
EDM Extravaganza

With Malika

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Get ready for an electrifying experience that will make your heart race and your feet move with « EDM Extravaganza. » This show is not just a playlist; it’s a high-octane journey through the heart of electronic dance music. Each episode is a meticulously curated showcase of the hottest and most exhilarating EDM tracks from around the globe. Brace yourself for mind-bending beats, pulsating rhythms, and infectious melodies that will have you dancing until the early hours.

« EDM Extravaganza » is a testament to the sheer creativity and innovation that defines the electronic music scene. It’s a sonic rollercoaster ride that takes you through a kaleidoscope of sound, where each track is a carefully crafted masterpiece designed to ignite the dance floor. Whether you’re a seasoned EDM enthusiast or a newcomer to the genre, this show promises an immersive experience that will leave you exhilarated and craving for more. Join us as we dive headfirst into the heart-pounding world of electronic dance music, where the energy is boundless and the beats are relentless.

EDM Extravaganza équipe


Kermit Beller

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras justo ante, convallis non eleifend sed, varius nec nulla. Maecenas auctor ultrices pretium.

Art Director

Yana Bolder

Fusce sed sapien mauris. Phasellus a convallis nisl, ut convallis metus. Sed lobortis convallis diam, vel fermentum sem euismod ut. Vivamus ut nunc ac mi faucibus mattis sit amet condimentum.


Arthur Bennet

Donec gravida nunc non elit lacinia, a tempus est finibus. Aliquam a fringilla arcu, sit amet iaculis mauris. Phasellus varius enim vel urna viverra fringilla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac.


Tammy Curezd

Curabitur id urna feugiat, luctus nunc vel, vehicula justo. Suspendisse lorem leo, bibendum nec nisi quis, mattis mollis nisl. Nam mi libero, vehicula eget aliquet ac, vehicula nec ante. Donec.

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